Common reasons and solutions for the failure to display the force value and inaccurate force of tension machines


The tensile testing machines on the market all use electronic or computer display methods. The solutions to the problems of force values not being displayed or force inaccuracies that occur in both electronic and computer tensile testing machines are similar. Today, the editor will analyze the reasons for force values not being displayed or force inaccuracies in tensile testing machines.

1、 The force value of the tensile testing machine is not displayed

1. The force value of the tensile testing machine is not displayed. The sensor of the tensile testing machine itself is faulty

2. Is the tension machine sensor damaged? The reason for the damage is that the sensor has naturally aged and its lifespan has reached. The sensor is overloaded due to human damage or accidentally collided with the lower fixture during testing.

Solution: It is necessary to replace the tension machine sensor of force measurement electronic technology.

3. The main board and circuit of the tensile testing machine are faulty due to the force value not being displayed,

Solution: Check if the connection wire of the tension machine sensor is in good contact. You can reinsert and unplug the sensor connector. If it is not resolved, it may be that the tension machine motherboard is damaged. Need to contact the manufacturer.

2、 The force value of the tensile testing machine is inaccurate

1. The sensor has not been calibrated or needs to be calibrated again.


It can be calibrated by the manufacturer using their own weights or by requesting calibration from the metrology bureau.

2. The fixture issue may be unstable and friction may occur, which can affect the experimental results.


You can connect the fixture more and adjust the fixture to solve the problem

3. It is possible that the sensor load of the tensile testing machine is too high to accurately measure the terminal force of small loads.


Smaller sensors can be replaced to solve the problem.


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